
October 19 - 23, 2015

Comfort Suites Manassas
Manassas, Virginia, USA
7350 Williamson Blvd, 20109
Phone: +1 703 686 1100
Fax: +1 703 686 1128

We are pleased to announce the 22nd Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2015), managed by Tcl Community Association with help from ActiveState Inc, Noumena Corp, Mentor Graphics, SR Technology, and Buonacorsi Foundation.

Learn from the experts and share your knowledge. The annual Tcl/Tk conference is the best opportunity to talk with experts and peers, cross-examine the Tcl/Tk core team, learn about what's coming and how to use what's here.

Conference Highlights

  • Tutorials taught by Tcl experts
  • Tcl Certification Exam Details
  • In depth discussions of 8.6 changes and how to take advantage of them
  • Using the Tcl dict, module and OO commands
  • The future of Tcl after 8.6
  • Best practices in package management, software design, dynamic programming and more
  • Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions
  • Discussion forums with the Tcl/Tk core team
  • Tcl/Tk Social Suite for late night discussions and beverage consumption.

Conference Speakers




Jobs Board

There will be a jobs board again. If you are interested in hiring a Tcl/Tk expert or two, or are looking for new engagement, either show up with your announcement ready to tack on the board, or send email to tclconference@googlegroups.com.


Thursday night will see everyone gathered together to chow down and chat. Some variety of amusement will occur after the banquet.

Conference Location

The conference will be held at the Comfort Suites Manassas. More details (including how to book rooms, reach it, etc.) are available at our Location page

Papers and Abstracts

The list of papers and their abstracts will be made available in the schedule section of these pages after the notifications to authors have been sent out, on August 31, 2015.

Last year's papers are available at Tcl Community Association's proceedings page.

Contact information
