
October 16 - 20, 2017

Crowne Plaza Houston River Oaks
Houston, Texas, USA
2712 Southwest Freeway, 77098
Phone: 1-713-5238448
Fax: 1-713-5771273

One of the many great reasons to attend the Tcl conference is the tutorials presented by renowned leaders and experts in the Tcl community. They will be sharing with you their knowledge of Tcl/Tk and its extensions, and experience in developing large, versatile and robust applications - information and techniques which will assist you in your day-to-day Tcl programming needs.

Andreas Kupries — Presenter, Tutorial

Andreas is a senior developer at SUSE where he works on the CloudFoundry-based SUSE PaaS.

Prior to SUSE he worked as a senior developer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise where he worked on the Stackato PaaS.

Prior to HPE he worked as a senior Tcl developer at ActiveState where he continually enhanced the ActiveTcl distribution and worked on the Tcl Dev Kit component of ASPN Tcl.

Prior to ActiveState, Andreas developed software for Ingenieurbuero Kisters and Ascom Deutschland GmbH in Germany.

He has a Master in Computer Science (Diplom-Informatiker) from the RWTH Aachen. He's a member of the Tcl Core Team and is the Tcllib release manager. Andreas is also the primary author of more than 25 Tcl modules and extensions, including Trf and Memchan.

As a Tcl expert, Andreas has presented on the topic at international conferences and has published conference papers on niche Tcl topics including "Reflected and Transformed Channels", "Tools for a new generation of Tcl package documentation" and "Experiences with Modularizing the Tcl Core for Better Portability". Andreas worked closely with ActiveState customers including Boeing and Cisco to ensure Tcl adds value to their software development projects.

Andrew Mangogna — Presenter

Andrew Mangogna has over 30 years of experience designing and implementing embedded control systems, many of them with hard real time constraints. He has worked in a variety of application areas ranging from laboratory instrumention to video special effects and implantable medical devices. Andrew has had an abiding interest in more formal techniques of software engineering with the goal of producing software systems of the highest quality in an economically feasible manner. His current efforts are devoted to automating the translation of executable software models into running systems. Andrew has been working with Tcl/Tk since the early 1990's, having ported an early version of Tcl to an embedded target. Now, he uses Tcl as his primary language in supporting embedded target development, developing communications, testing and user interface components.

Clif Flynt — Presenter, Tutorial

Clif Flynt has been a professional programmer since 1978, and a Tcl advocate since 1993. His dual interests in programming and teaching have led him to developing both scientific and business software, teaching at Grinnell College and Eastern Michigan University, writing about Tcl/Tk and delivering Tcl/Tk corporate training.

Clif's Tcl projects include TclTutor, a computer based instruction package, The book Tcl/Tk:A Developer's Guide from Morgan Kauffman, and regular Tclsh Spot articles for ;login: magazine.

Cyan Ogilvie — Presenter

Cyan Ogilvie is the Software Architect at Ruby Lane. After working in various dialetcs of BASIC, Pascal and 8086 Assembly building 3D engines on 486s he moved to Tcl in the late 90s and has since built around 100 extensions, frameworks and applications using it. Although Tcl is his first language he has also worked extensively with PHP, Javascript, C and still has the scars from a year or two of Perl. Prior to joining Ruby Lane he found interesting places to apply Tcl at I-Net Bridge, NetTreasury, Vodacom and First National Bank.

When not behind a keyboard his interests involve making things with a soldering iron or 3D printer, and touring on his motorcycle. He lives in Cape Town, South Africa.

David Simmons — Presenter

Background synopsis: TSL (Text Scripting Language) blends JavaScript, Smalltalk, Lisp concepts into TCL. My background briefly, I've spent some 20+ years as a commercial Smalltalk VM/IDE designer and as Microsoft's JavaScript architect, PowerShell architect, and .NET (desktop/mobile) Architect.

Don Porter — Presenter

Don Porter has worked as an Electrical Engineer in NIST's Applied and Computational Mathematics Division since earning his doctorate from Washington University in 1996. He works on the Object Oriented MicroMagnetic Framework (OOMMF) project, an open, extensible suite of programs for simulation and design of nanomagnetic materials and devices. OOMMF is cited in more than 2000 peer-reviewed research articles. OOMMF's multi-platform success is owed in great part to its early choice to build on the strengths of Tcl and Tk.

Don is a charter member of the Tcl Core Team, and is likely best known in his role as the Release Engineer. He serves as an active maintainer of Tcl, and for better and worse has his fingerprints on many of its subsystems, including script and expression parsers, namespaces, and command evaluation and I/O engines. Fossil blames him for about 1/4 of all check-ins in recorded Tcl development history.

Garrett McGrath — Presenter

I have been working with Tcl since 2015 when I joined FlightAware. My computer science training before then came entirely from academia where I worked as a lecturer, teaching introductory programming, networking and security courses. After a year at FlightAware I shifted roles and began working on the core flight tracking engine, Hyperfeed, in 2016.

Gerald Lester — Presenter

Gerald Lester has been giving tutorials at conferences for over 20 years. Gerald is President of KNG Consulting , LLC. Prior to setting out on his own, he was Directory of Technology at TicketSwitch USA. He had also worked for Computerized Processes Unlimited for over 15 years where he was one of the early adapters of Tcl/Tk and presented a paper at first Tcl/Tk Conference (then called the Tcl/Tk Workshop) about the first "large" Tcl/Tk application (~300,000 lines of Tcl/Tk code). Gerald has been on the Tcl/Tk Conference Committee numerous times and has chaired the conference three times.

Gerald is one of the maintainers for both TclHttpd and TclLib and author of the popular "Web Services for Tcl" package.

Jonathan Cone — Presenter

Jonathan just started working with Tcl when he joined the backend team at FlightAware in February of 2017. He started programming in BASIC on the Apple II in the mid 90s and has worked with various languages since that time. He has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, but left engineering and has worked as a developer for oil & gas and financial companies for the past four years before joining FlightAware.

Karl Lehenbauer — Presenter

Karl has been active with Tcl since the early days and has continued using Tcl and pushing Tcl to be a more useful tool. His need for better systems administration tools led to TclX, and his recent work with FlightAware has led to improvements in the Tcl Web tools.

Kevin Kenny — Presenter

No biography known

Nathan Coulter — Tutorial

No biography known

Peter da Silva — Presenter

Peter da Silva has been an active developer and user of Tcl since version 2, and it quickly became his "go to" language for scripting and system administration. He currently works at FlightAware, maintaining and extending a number of Tcl libraries including Speed Tables, Pgtcl, Kafkatcl, and Casstcl.

Richard Hipp — Presenter

D. Richard Hipp has developed many Tcl tools including a table widget, html display widget, mkTclApp, and TOBE. He's been a member of the Core Team since its creation.

Richard's latest activities revolve around sqlite and tools like fossil that are developed using sqlite (frequently with Tcl).

Sean Woods — Presenter, Tutorial

Sean Woods has been programming since he was 10 years old. He discovered Tcl/Tk in 1996, and has been programming in it ever since. (If given half a chance.) Along the way he has used Tcl for factory automation, system administration, and web services. He worked at the Franklin Institute Science Museum as their Senior Network Engineer for 10 years. And since 2008 he has been working for Test and Evaluation Solutions, developing the Integrated Recoverability Model.

Sean is a caretaker of lost extensions in the community, occasional bug finder, and font of ideas. He has been presenting at Tcl conferences since 2006. And if you get a few drinks into him, he may just re-stage the presentation that earned him the nickname "The Hypnotoad".

Shannon Noe — Presenter

Shannon Noe has diverse software engineering background spanning 30 years. From small ISV's to Hedge Funds he was worked on multiple platforms and languages from Common Lisp to Scala. Shannon was the CTO for Logical Information Machines, a proprietary time-series data platform for Financial and Energy Trading platforms. Shannon was a senior engineer at Two Sigma Solutions in Houston, Texas. He currently works at FlightAware in the NextGen technology group.

Tony Johnson — Presenter

Tony Johnson has over 30 years of experience designing and implementing software solutions in the Electronic Design Automation industry. He's been working with Tcl/Tk for over 20 years across multiple companies. Tony's current work is in the area of simulation waveform presentation with special focus on using Tcl to provide batch control of GUI operations.

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