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We are pleased to announce the 13th Annual Tcl/Tk conference (Tcl'2006), sponsored by Noumena Corporation , Digital Smarties , Eolas Technologies and ActiveState . TkHtml moves to the 21'st centuryAuthor: Dan KennedyAbstractTkhtml is a Tk widget written in C that displays documents formatted according to the HTML and CSS standards. This paper reports on the recent work on Tkhtml 3.0 sponsored by Eolas Technologies. The motivations for creating a standards compliant HTML/CSS widget for Tcl/Tk are examined, expected uses of the widget identified and the scope of functionality provided defined. Also discussed in the context of Tkhtml is the applicability of Tcl/Tk in 2006 to the broader problem of producing a modern web browser client. Future extensions and enhancements to Tkhtml are contemplated. Conference Committee
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