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Tcl'2006 Abstract: Efficient data manipulation and storage for Tcl with Vlerq and Ratcl

13th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference

Main Registration Schedule Tutorials Info

October 9-13, 2006
Holiday Inn Select
Naperville, Illinois USA

Important Information
Abstracts and proposals due June 30, 2006
Notification to authors July 31, 2006
Author materials due September 30, 2006
Tutorials start October 9, 2006
Conference starts October 11, 2006
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We are pleased to announce the 13th Annual Tcl/Tk conference (Tcl'2006), sponsored by Noumena Corporation , Digital Smarties , Eolas Technologies and ActiveState .

Efficient data manipulation and storage for Tcl with Vlerq and Ratcl

Author: Jean-Claude Wippler


Vlerq and Ratcl are two new extensions for Tcl which provide a general data-query and data-manipulation foundation for dealing with in-memory and persistent data. A wide range of high-performance operators are available, including all the usual relational, set-wise, and vector-oriented primitives. Taking lessons from the Metakit embedded database library, these extensions use a column-wise "inverted" storage format to achieve excellent performance using very compact data representations. The design choices made to match Tcl optimally and some performance results will be presented, as well as a perspective on what the implications could be for Tcl application development.

Conference Committee

Cyndy Lilagan   Eolas TechnologiesFacilities Coordination
Clif Flynt   Noumena CorpGeneral Chair
Steve Redler IV   SR TechnologyProgram Chair
Steve Landers   Digital SmartiesProgram Co-chair
Kevin Kenny   GE Global Research Center
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Corp
Andreas Kupries   ActiveState Corp
Ron Fox   NSCL Michigan State University
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Larry Virden   Tcl FAQ Maintainer
Mike Doyle   Eolas Technologies
Gerald Lester   HMS Software

Contact Information